Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Fun Day Out!

 After our visit to the farm last month, the children in our medical home have been looking for more opportunities to get out and learn more the world around them.  We found a wonderful park nearby that combined many fun adventures and some relaxing time exploring nature.

Riding the tram was a new experience:

Right away we were greeted by some friendly dogs.  Dogs can be scary if you have never been around them, but some of our little ones were brave enough to even pet them!

A fun day spent outside is never complete without bubble blowing, so that was next on the agenda:

Playing in sand aways fun:

But you might have to stop afterward to dump all the sand out of your shoes!

Of course, there was plenty of time to walk slowly and smell the flowers:

Who can pass up a chance to swing on the swings?  We had a bunch of different options to choose from!

And the slide:

Everyone worked up an appetite after all that!

And that universal childhood ritual: blowing a dandelion:

The highlight of the day was a mini roller-coaster:

It was a very enjoyable day, full of new excitement and learning.  We are so grateful to all who helped bring the outside world to our most medically fragile little ones.  It was an amazing experience!  

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