Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

 We've been busy getting ready for Mid-Autum Festival... hanging lanterns and making mooncakes.  Do you know how to make mooncakes?  The little ones in our Classroom of Smiles are happy to show you how!

There are different types of mooncakes, and different ways to make them. Our little ones started by kneading and rolling out their dough:

Then you need to put the filling on top, and wrap it up.  We chose a sesame recipe because... well, who doesn't love sesame! 

After the filling is enclosed in the wrappers, the cakes are flattened slightly and pressed with a decorative stamp

Then they are cooked on a flat griddle:

Don't they look yummy?

Can confirm, we did a little taste testing and they are delicious!  But don't worry, we saved some to eat on the actual holiday, too!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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