Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Just in time!

 Over the years that we have been helping children in China, we have developed close working relationships with a vast network of doctors, nurses, and specialists in many pediatric fields.  We have seen their kindness and dedication again and again when they come together to provide life saving medical treatment for our little ones.  We were humbled once again to see them spring into action when we needed a miracle for little TX.

 Newborn TX arrived at a local orphanage in North China in critical condition.  It was clear that he had some kind of gastrointestinal emergency, so he was admitted to the small, local hospital right away.  They were unsure of his diagnosis and how to proceed.  

At the same time, the orphanage leaders called us and asked if we might be able to help.  Within a few hours we were able to coordinate an ambulance transfer from his province to Beijing, where he was admitted to the NICU for further diagnostic testing.  He had surgery shortly after that for a life threatening bowel obstruction.

Little TX has had a few complications during his recovery, but he was finally strong enough to discharge to our medical home in Beijing.  He’s being closely monitored as he continues to recover and is making up for the kisses and cuddles that he missed out on while he was in the NICU.  

Everyone involved in his story – from his orphanage leaders to the doctors in Beijing -  have been amazed at how quickly we were able to jump into action and get him the specialized care that he needed before it was too late.  We are very grateful for all of you who have chosen to support us in this work.  You are making a difference every day for little ones like TX.

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