Four of our little ones were fortunate enough to "graduate" into foster care this month. Each one joined a family that will provide loving foster care until a permanent placement is arranged by the orphanage. See Fu, Ying, Yang and Li all bundled up and ready to meet their new moms:

What is so incredible is that Fu and Li (in matching yellow jackets above) were tiny, fragile 1500 gram (3 1/2 lb) preemies when they arrived in July of last year. How they have changed!
And now that we have 4 open beds, we have accepted four new arrivals just today. Babies Yin and Yu are both low birth weight newborn girls. Both weigh about 5 lbs and we are unsure what other medical problems they may have. Little Jun is a 1500 g (3 1/2 lb) premature baby boy. His condition is not stable and we are really hoping he'll make it. And our fourth new arrival is Min, a healthy newborn boy who needs treatment for club foot. We'll tell you more about these little ones once we get to know them.
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