Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A laundry day surprise...

Little JL was seven years old when he joined one of our foster families a year ago.  

JL was born with a cleft lip and palate, which were repaired when he was small.  He was transferred from a more rural area to one of our partner orphanages last year and they asked if he might be able to join our family model of care.   We were very happy to have JL join us, as we knew that being part of a family would make a big difference as he grew.

 JL is a curious boy, always asking questions and wanting to try things out for himself.  He's also very determined and independent, and this combination of traits can come sometimes lead to trouble!

JL loves tigers, rainy days and lollipops.  At school, his favorite class is math.  In the year that he has been with us we have watched him adjust to living in a family and make great strides in his maturity and development.

  His foster mom shared a recent incident that left her feeling overwhelmed with emotion: “JL was doing chores, and his task was helping out with laundry.  He was just about to start a load and noticed that there was a large wad of cash in the washing machine.  He immediately came to me and turned all of the money over.  I was amazed, because in the past he’s had the habit of taking things (sometimes even money) that don’t belong to him.  He didn’t even hide a little for himself, he gave me all that he had found!  As a reward for finishing his chores he chose an ice cream bar, which he enjoyed immensely.  He was very proud for doing his chores well and earning a small reward, but I was even more proud of him for his honesty and integrity!”

We are grateful to those who support our work.  We are humbled to be making a difference for children like JL, to know the love of a family and to learn values that will benefit him for the rest of his life.  

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