
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Yi, Er, San – Qie Zi! (One, Two Three – Eggplant!)

No, we aren't counting eggplants! Say "eggplant" is the Chinese equivalent of "say cheese!" Have you ever wondered where all the daily pictures and stories on Facebook, Weibo or our blog come from? We don’t have a professional photographer working at the baby home, but here's a hint: when visiting us, you may notice that a camera is never far away.

Whenever we have a little extra time, our staff tries to capture these moments and document the day. This morning, when our baby home care specialist Lily finished the daily round of the first floor, she called for a little photo shoot. The kids thought it was a great game!

“Let’s all sit down on the little bench. Smile! One, two…”

Lily hardly had time to walk a few steps back and focus her camera lens before Little Yi was on his feet again. “I want to help Lily! Sitting on the bench with the other kids is boring,” he was probably thinking.

Once convinced that his smile would be critical for this particular group shot, he finally joined his buddies and struck a pose.

“Ok, let’s try again. Smile, everyone! One …”

You wish! Xin and Wen were next to break ranks. “We can do anything you can,” they seemed to say to Yi.

After a while, incredibly, all the children were sitting on the bench. Who would have thought?

Giving Lily another chance to capture the photo!

As fun as posing was, the subsequent evaluation inevitably came when everyone tottered over to the lady with the camera. "Whose picture is the best?" they asked.

There's only one answer: we think they're all great!

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